FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
It has come to our attention that we have had confirmed ticket scalping events. We want to keep our patrons safe. Please only purchase tickets through this website. We can not guarantee your ticket if purchased from another website.
In an effort to provide a more safe and secure environment in which to enjoy performances, please be aware that all persons entering the venue and their belongings are subject to search, including bag checks and wanding. Weapons are prohibited, including but not limited to concealed weapons, firearms, handguns, knives of any size, explosives, pepper spray and mace containers. The doors are open 60 minutes before show time. Please plan to arrive early to avoid the security line.
The Venice Performing Arts Center is located on the Venice High School Campus. Pursuant to Florida Law Section 790.06-12(a)10 conceal carry licenses prohibit carrying firearms into any elementary or secondary school facility.
Do you have any discounts available?
Currently we are running a Group10+ discount, if you are purchasing more than 10 tickets for a group put (GROUP10+) in the promo section when you are checking out on Audience View to receive a discount. This discount does not apply to the Venice Band or Venice Chorale.
Can I get a refund on my tickets if I can’t come?
All sales are final. There are no refunds or exchanges. For a cancellation with no rescheduled date, a refund to patron credit may be issued at the option of the management.
Is it legal to re-sell tickets?
While it is legal in many states, it is ILLEGAL in Florida (F.S.817.36) to sell a ticket for more than $1 over the original price if originally issued by a not-for-profit like THE VENICE INSTITUTE FOR PERFORMING ARTS.
If it is illegal, why are there so many tickets on StubHub and other sites?
Counsel for StubHub acknowledges that while the practice may be illegal, since StubHub only provides the “market stall”, they are not responsible for any illegal transactions of the independent sellers who use their site.
I thought I did purchase from the venue’s Website?
Unless you go to veniceperformingartscenter.com you are purchasing from a third party. If you search for “Venice Performing Arts Center tickets”, usually the first sites that appear are paid advertised sites (it will be discreetly noted as “Paid”, “Ad”, etc.) Usually, the official venue site will appear first beneath the advertised sites.
How do scalpers/brokers get tickets?
They buy them like everyone else, often under false names. They drive supply down and prices up. BEWARE: They often don’t have the tickets they are advertising – they buy them AFTER you place your order, meaning you could have bought them yourself directly from the venue for less.
What are the risks buying on the secondary market?
First and foremost, you are not guaranteed admittance.
Tickets may have been reported lost or stolen and therefore voided.
Tickets may have been re-issued – there may be more than one set floating around. If they aren’t purchased from the venue under your name, you have no claim.
Tickets may be purchased for a wheelchair space held by law for those with disabilities and cannot be honored for someone without a wheelchair. You will often pay far more than if you purchase from the venue. Many scalped tickets are NOT for sold out shows – often better and cheaper seats remain available at the venue ticket office.
Scalpers/brokers often advertise tickets that they do not actually have.
Scalpers/brokers often mislead buyers in the location of their seats.
Many artistes taking steps to prevent scalping including verifying the person who purchased the ticket is the one coming in the door.
How do I increase my chances of getting better seats directly from the venue?
Purchase directly from the venue as early as possible. If you want early access to our performances, please consider joining as a member. Join our mailing list so that we can let you know early about new shows going on sale.
What ticket vendor does the theatre use?
The VPAC box office uses AudienceView ticketing system for all box office sales.
How do I buy tickets?
Tickets can be purchased from our website, Veniceperformingartscenter.com at all times. You can also call our box office at 941.218.3779 or visit us at 1 Indian Ave, Building 5, inside the VPAC lobby. Hours are subject to change please call or check the website for box office operating hours.
What are the Box Office Hours?
Box office hours vary depending on the time of year. Summer hours are Monday through Thursday 10AM-2PM and 1 hour before every performance. Regular hours are Monday through Friday 10AM-2PM.
Can I request tickets for a charity fundraiser or auction?
The Venice Institute for Performing Arts is thrilled to support the fundraising efforts of other charities and nonprofit organizations. Please send any ticket donation requests, with a copy of your 501(c)(3) letter, to Information@vipam.org.
What forms of payment are accepted?
Cash, check, Mastercard, VISA, Discover, and American Express are all accepted at the VPAC box office. Only credit cards and gift cards are accepted for online ticket purchases.
Can I reserve tickets in advance without payment?
Only group sales can be reserved without full payment Please see our group sales page for more information.
Can I go into the theatre and check out the seats before I purchase a ticket?
Special requests can be made by calling the box office at 941-218-3779.
Why does the theatre need my contact information when I buy a ticket?
Name, address, phone and email are required of all ticket purchasers in case of a problem with your order, or if a show is cancelled or postponed. Patrons are automatically entered into the VIPAM mailing list and email list. An opt-out option is offered, and all information is confidential. The Venice Institute for Performing Arts does not sell, rent, trade or otherwise allow other entities access to its mailing list and email list.
Are there any “obstructed view” seats in the Venice Performing Arts Center?
There are no obstructed view seats at the VPAC, unless noted for that specific performance. Obstructed view seats are not open to sale. The venue reserves the right to move your seats if it becomes obstructed due to producer changes.
Who owns the Venice Performing Arts Center?
The Venice Performing Arts Center is owned by the Sarasota County School District and is managed by the Venice Institute for Performing Arts.
How many seats does the theatre have?
The Venice Performing Arts Center seats 1,090 people.
When did the theatre first open?
VPAC’s Grand Opening was November 6th, 2014.
What is the Venice Institute for Performing Arts Mission?
The Venice Institute for Performing Arts (VIPA) has a mission to sustain the local arts community through innovative educational programs and inspire the local community with first-class entertainment.
Is there an elevator?
Yes. The elevator is on the right side as you enter the lobby.
Is the VPAC wheelchair accessible?
Yes. There are dedicated wheelchair accessible positions throughout the theatre. When you purchase your tickets, be sure to select a wheelchair space and a wheelchair companion seat if needed.
Where are the bathrooms?
Both men’s and women’s restrooms are located on the left-hand side directly inside the lobby doors. There are restrooms also located to the left of the balcony on the second level. There is a family restroom located next to the women’s restroom on the main floor.
What do I do when the person next to me is bothering me?
If the person sitting next to you is bothering you for any reason, please report it to an usher or a member of the theatre’s security. Ask to speak to the House Manager. If necessary, we will intercede on your behalf, or move you to another seating location. We have a zero tolerance, one warning policy for disruptive behavior.
What door do I enter to find my seat?
The orchestra level seating is rows A-S, and the balcony is rows T-Z.
All even seats, 2-40 and seats 101-110 enter through the right side of the lobby. All odd seats, 1-41 and seats 111-123 enter through the left side of the lobby.
Do you have a bar?
No. The Venice Performing Arts Center is located on Sarasota School Board property. No alcohol is allowed on the premises.
Do you serve food?
Concessions are sold on the lower orchestra level at all VIPA shows (those in purple on the home page). Concessions for building rentals and school events are sold at the discretion of the event organizer.
Can I bring my drink and snack to my seat?
No. All concessions must be consumed before entering the Auditorium.
Is there smoking?
No. The Venice Performing Arts Center is located on Sarasota School Board property. No smoking, or vaping, is permitted anywhere on campus.
How do I check the lost and found?
During a performance, you can ask for the House Manager. After a performance, please call our box office at 941.218.3779
What do I do in the event of a fire or other emergency?
First, please stay calm. Our ushers and staff are trained to facilitate quick action if there is an emergency. Please walk to the nearest exit, where an usher will direct you.
Do you have an age limit?
Most of our shows have a recommended age of 5 years or older. For our family-friendly shows, there is no age limit.
Are photography, audio recording, and video recording allowed?
The use of flash photography, or video recording with any type of light, is always prohibited. Non-Flash photography is subject to the discretion of each individual performance director.
Where can I park?
The VPAC has a parking lot directly in front of the building. If you are coming to a sold-out show, please note that the parking lot does get full. We do have additional parking in the student parking lot on the other side of the Venice High School campus.
Can I rent out the theatre?
The Venice Performing Arts Center is available for rent. Please email information@vipam.org with information about your show.